Saturday, June 5, 2010


From the Table of :

Prince Bernard Olatunji
Ikorodu, Lagos.

My goal for is really very straight forward. To help you make money. To provide you with actionable strategies on a regular basis that you can use to generate instant cash on demand anytime you want and grow your business beyond anything you ever expected, or even hoped.
And the good news is that - I' ll be going that absolutely FREE.
it's important for you to immediately understand what this site is not. it is not another dry, stuffy website about how to start, finance, and grow a business. According to Hoyle: if you want to know how to write a business plan, for example, there are plenty of books on library and bookstore shelves that can teach you how to do that. I can't imagine a good reason to write or to publish another one.
This site is not a masterfully outlined and organized, step-by-step, 1-2-3 kind of site. Frankly, I don't think people actually get rich that way. Most of the very methodical people I meet are working for wages as somebody else bean counter.
Success seems to be a more chaotic 9and more exciting) process of grabbing this idea from here, that piece of information from over there, goofing this up, seeing that work, and fitting puzzle pieces together until you have just the right combination for your unique situation.
Hopefully, this site shortcuts all that for you, but within its content, you're still going to be grabbing a peice here and a peice there and peicing them together in a way best suited to your purposes. If there was one formula for success, there'd be only one book about it. Formulas for success don't work any more than diets do-- if a diet worked, there'd only be one diet!
I Wish the Fellows with the Cute Little Patches on the Elbows of Their Corduroy Sports Jackets Would Stay Off the Business Battlefield - Dont You ?
Although this is a site about turning ideas into money, it's not a site of ideas. I have long despised business books written by fuzzy-headed academics, professors in cushy jobs on campuses, accountants, lawyers, and hotshot consultants from big, fat consulting firms, all spouting theories. I speak a lot, often on programs with many other speakers, and I always warn my audiences about the many speakers who "run businesses only in their nightmares and sell only in their memories." Listen, I live and work every day where you do- in the real world, where they eat their young. So, here's a little promise: Every single strategy that I point out to you in this site will be one that I have actual, real-world, hands-on experience with, that I've used personally for my business or my clients' business, and that has been repetitively validated.
I've been fortunate in my life to have worked with, and become friends with, some of the leading figures in the entrepreneurial world.

Many of my colleagues have agreed to allow me to make some of their best proprietary information available to you through this site. The information we're adding will be worth hundreds, possibly thousands, of dollars if it were to be sold. What it's worth in additional profits to you could be many times that - if you apply it. No one else on the Internet will be giving away this much quality information for free; the ultimate free trial offer, risk reversal at its best.
So I strongly advice to stayed connected to this site.
some of the valuable business information you will be given free on this site include:
  • The Eight Best Way to still make a fortune from scratch in Nigeria
  • How you can turn an "ordinary" business into an Extraordinary Moneymaking machine
  • How to invent, Find, or Gain control of Enormously profitable products
  • How to "Reinvent Your Way to a Fortune
  • How providing a service can make you a Millionaire
  • How the amazing power of duplication Turns Even simple ideas into impressive Fortunes
  • How to make your Millions in the exciting world of Electronic Direct Marketing
  • How to print as Much Money as you want, Legally: The incredible Wealth-producing secret of information products
  • How publicity and Promotion can produce Million-Dollar Business Breakthroughs
  • You might make your Millions Faster by Selling Out Than by selling In.
  • The Ultimate Millionaire-maker strategy
  • How to use Aristotle Onassis's Biggest Business secret: The Million-Dollar Rolodex

And the list can go on and on. so you can see it's info jam-packed offer - dont miss out

Why am I doing this free ?

If I help you thrive and survive; if I give you the advice that helps your company dominate your market; if I help you to create meaningful wealth and financial security, the odds are good that you'll patronize businesses I have an equity stake in, as a means of giving back. You'll probably avail yourself of the programs and services of other web sites I collaborate with. And, as I turn more of my time and attention to equity investments, venture capital, and mergers and acquisitions, you may decide to bring your company to my attention first. After all, you'll already know that my ideas will work for you.

I'm lucky. I've been very successful in my advising work.
click here for today's special report: